The prince's child next to a dead wolf Source: Un-Textbook |
For this weeks reading I am reading the Welse (Elmerson) unit and will be focusing on the story Welsh Fairy- Tales and Other Stories by Peter H Emerson, to write about. This story is about a royal family who has a passion for hunting wolves. the family would often go on hunting parties and travel to many of their different farm houses, which is their hunting houses, to go out and hunt. Often then would travel farm house to farm house to hunt multiple times. While hunting the prince had a favorite hunting dog named Gelert. Gelert was the best hunting dog out of all the other dogs and was always first to show up when the prince blew his horn. During one hunt the hunting party was out hunting as usual until after two hours passed and the prince realized Gelert was missing.The prince blew his horn and to his surprised Gelert did not show. This really worried the prince and the party decided to go back home to find Gelert. When they got home inside the house they found Gelert next to an overturned cradle where the baby slept with blood everywhere. The prince was in shock and drove his sword through Gelert thinking the dog killed his child. The prince then picked up the cradle and saw a dead wolf under it with the baby near by unharmed. The prince then realized he had just slain his favorite dog Gelert for protecting his child. The prince was in great grief and had a huge funeral for Gerelt soon after. I really enjoyed this story and was thinking I could rewrite it with a modern twist such as a child being punished for something that was not what it looked like.
Bibliography: "
Welsh Fairy-tales and Other Stories" by Peter H Emerson
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