Reading Notes: Laos Folk-Lore

Source: pixabay
For this weeks reading I chose to read Laos folk-lores and within this folklore I am going to focus on the story "A Child in the Woods." This story is about a woman and her story to why she is so honored within her village. It starts with a stranger asking the woman why she is honored like a princess in village. The rest of the story is the woman explaining how she became what she is today. While the woman was young she became filled with hatred against men and decided to leave her village and go out into the jungle. While in the jungle the woman had no fear and would travel for days eating fruit she found and would sleep under a tree each night while wild beast would watch over her. Day afater day this continued until she ran into another village and by this time she had cooled off with her hatred from men. The woman went into this village and told them about her journey within the jungle. The village was in awe and provided her with many gifts and praised her for over a year. In this year no more attacks from beast happened on the village because of the woman being there. After a year the woman missed her old village so she decided she wanted to leave and was taken to her old village where she now lives to tell this story. I thought this story was very cool and could possibly retell this story but on why the beast sleep with the woman every night because that wasn't really explained.

Bibkiography: Laos folk-Lore by Katherine Neville Fleeson


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