A donkey wearing a lions skin trying to fool his master Source: Un-Textbook |
For this weeks reading I decided to read Aesop's Fables unit and I will be focusing on Aesop's fables: Asses in the story of "Fables and Satires" by Sir Brooke Boothby. This writing is actually made up of multiple stories in one all about a donkey. Each small story within this all are unrelated to each other. The first story is called "The Ass and the Lion skin" and is about a donkey who finds a lion skin and decides to wear it. The donkey went around pretending to be a lion scaring other animals. Eventually the donkey went to his master home and tried to scare him but the master saw right through the disguise. The second story is "The Ass, The Ape, and the Mole" and in this story the donkey and a ape complain about how he wants a horn and the ape complains about his short tale, but a mole puts them both to shame when he tells them that they are lucky they weren't born without eyes. The third story is called "The Horse and the Ass" and in this story the donkey sees what a horse has to go through in battle and is thankful that he does not have to go through stuff like that. The last story is "The Ass Carrying Relics" and in this story the donkey thinks he is the one being praised but in reality its just the stuff he carries that people praise. I thought all these stories were very fun and was thinking I could make a bunch of smaller stories like these and have them all connect in some way.
Bibliography: "
Fables and Satires" by Sir Brooke Boothby
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