Picture of the word to today with tomorrow crossed out under it. Source: flickr |
So far, I would say that I am pretty happy about my progress over the semester. I feel as if my writing ability has gotten a lot better over the time of being in this class which is what I am most proud of. Doing my assignments though have not been as routinely as I would like. Due to such a busy schedule with other classes and work, I am not always ahead of the game as I wish I could be when it comes to the assignments.My schedule is never the same every week so it is hard to do them the same time every week and had to miss a couple assignments here and there. To make up for those assignments I always do some of the extra credit assignments every week.
The major change that I want to make for the second half of the semester is to try to get work done ahead. I would like to be at least a week ahead of schedule all the time so I always have room to do other stuff if needed. With my busy schedule, I can't afford to spend that much time to get ahead so hopefully a free weekend comes up to where I can. The pitfall i want to avoid is having to skip anymore assignments so I can finish up with the class even earlier.
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