Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Cat hanging on a tree made into a meme
Source:Feedback Cats
Overall I would rate the feedback that I have received on my blogs somewhat helpful. The feedback comments are most helpful when they point out any errors or suggestions on how to fix something within the story. Also i find it helpful when suggestions other ideas to write about the story because it is always nice to see different view points.
I believe that the feedback comments that I give are somewhat helpful. I usually try to give some suggestions that I have if possible so that improvements can be made. I'm not the best writer though so it is hard for me to spot mistakes or have suggestions all the time.
I enjoy the blog comments on other peoples introductions. I don't believe it gives a full sense of someone because there is so much more to a person that is not able to fit in just one or two paragraphs.
I think the feed back assignments currently are great and I wouldn't change anything. Also I chose the photo above because I like the meaning behind it. Just because you fail at something doesn't mean you can succeed at it eventually. Failing helps you learn for the future.


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