Time strategies

The two articles that I read for time management were "How to Beat Procrastination" by Caroline Webb and "4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination" by Peter Banerjea. I chose both of these articles because procrastination is my number one problem that sets me back overall in most things I do. I am a very easily distracted person and seem to put stuff off so I thought these article would be a good read to maybe help me no procrastinate anymore. This semester I plan to try and work on everything early so i never get behind.
Picture of a clock
Source: Maxpixel
How to Beat Procrastination by Caroline Webb
In this article it talks about how the brain is programmed to want to procrastinate. We are naturally made to want the reward of now instead of what comes later just because we would much rather have satisfaction faster. To help prevent it was said that you should picture the end result and and why you want it and keep it in mind.

4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination by Peter Banerjea
This article is somewhat similar to the first article i read but this give four questions that are almost like steps to overcome procrastination. These questions tell you ask yourself what you can do to get started, make the process easier, what will happen if you don't do it, and what your top three priorities for the day. These 4 questions will help get your mindset on how or why you need to finish what you set out to do.


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